Get ready to experience the power of God in different ways!
Social and faith-based events, trips, and community outreach projects are all a part of Youth Group @ Christ Church!
6-7-8’ers have a space of their own on the upper level. Their teachers are passionate about Middle School age youth!
High School students gather in the lower level, and throughout the year share and grow their faith through exploration of topics related to the contemporary Christian teen.
Here is a sample of activities that we have gathered together for:
Lake Tobias
Lancaster & Hershey Escape Room
Swim Parties
Christmas Caroling at Masonic Village
Annual Lock-In and Glow Bowling
Chopped! Food Challenge
Senior Spring Spruce-Up Service Project
Wittel Farm
Flashlight Easter Egg Hunt
Summer Camp Opportunities
There are options for everyone! Click below to learn more!
Life is hard. We don't have all the answers, but we're willing to explore together, and have fun while doing it!
Preschool - a place to explore, make new friends, and learn about God's love.
Our children grades K-5 use the “Spark” curriculum, which follows the lectionary. Children are divided into two groups according to grade: K-2 and 3-5.
Messy Church: An inter-generational worship opportunity for families and people of all ages. Meets throughout the year on scheduled Saturday evenings. A bite to eat is included with each Messy Church.