John 14: 25-27
Acts 2: 1-21
“I will pour out my Spirit upon all flesh, and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, and your young men shall see visions, and our old men shall dream dreams.”
Prayer: We are one in your Holy Spirit, O God. May we be moved by you. Amen.
What a time of worship this has been so far, yes? There’s a sea of red in our congregation today—the color of the Holy Spirit. We sang “Hail O Festal Day!” because today is a festal day—a day of festivity everyone will cherish! We watched our children and youth parade around our sanctuary waving banners and ribbons. We shared in their joy of the Spirit as they participated in the Children’s Moment. We listened to music praying that God’s Holy Spirit would breathe on us. Then we prayed together. And it’s all good! It’s a great way to celebrate Pentecost! 50 days after Easter!
And I for one, am glad to say that we can do this freely with no retribution, no fear, no worries. There is no danger in celebrating the work of the Holy Spirit, thank God.
Because it is in that way in some places around the world. Because it wasn’t this way for the first disciples and apostles. Back then, it was very dangerous. You remember how on the first Easter 50 days earlier, Jesus’ Jewish disciples were cowering in fear. Jesus, their leader, was executed by the Roman government, and they were hiding out in secret in the Upper Room. The fear was that they might be next on the Roman hit list. Guilt by association, and all.
But, after Jesus appeared to them, little by little, they started coming out of the shadows. Getting their lives back on track. Getting back to business as usual, some back to their livelihood of fishing, others doing whatever.
And, little by little, in spite of the danger, they began to worship together as followers of Jesus… first in secret. Then more publicly. Until the day of Pentecost. When they all gathered together in one place. Despite the danger, they came out, and openly expressed their faith in God and their belief that God sent Jesus as the Christ.
And the Spirit that Joel the prophet predicted and Jesus promised to send, came. And these Jews were moved by its Presence. The Spirit flamed on them, and they spoke in different languages, but the miracle was that everyone understood each other. That was for the Jewish followers of Christ.
Then later, the Holy Spirit came upon the Gentiles, the non-Jews who also believed in Jesus. It was equally as dangerous for them, but despite the danger, they came out. So, I think Pentecost is a ‘coming out’ story for those first followers of Jesus Christ who were moved by the Spirit. They came out of the shadows, out from hiding. And the birth of the Christian Church took place.
So, yeah… I wonder what those early Christians faced is close to what people of the LGBTQ community face today? June is “Pride Month,” and even though acceptance of people in the LGBTQ community is increasing, there still are dangerous places out there. There still is fear of violence. Fear of injury. Or being arrested. Or, being shunned by other Christians. Or being forced to abide by unjust laws.
But, praise God! I believe we were moved by the Spirit to be caring neighbors back in 2019 when we chose to be an Open and Affirming church. We decided that our church, in spite of potential societal danger, would be a safe place for any person, regardless of sexual orientation, or gender, or age, or ethnicity, or wealth, or whatever… any person could come out of whatever shadows exists and be in community with a bunch of other Christians. Any person could come out openly without fear, without judgment and worship God in Christ together and participate in our church together, It doesn’t matter who you are. Everyone is welcome here. Literally. That’s in part what I think it means to be a Caring Neighbor.
I pray that we’re moved by the Spirit even more these days because all of us as Christians still live in dangerous, dark times. I mean, in addition to homophobia and unjust bathroom laws, we also have white supremacy and racism. And we have devastating gun violence which we see every day on the news, which can desensitize some people the way some video gamers sometimes are desensitized to the act of killing the enemy on the computer screen.
And when all societal ills and diseases gets rolled together, it’s like one massive cultural danger. Because we fuel the problems and when we say something and do something we run the risk of receiving others’ anger and hostility.
But, let our first instinct be to turn to God and say, Lord God, we need your help! Lord, please send your promised Spirit once again. Send the Advocate! Let the Advocate remind us what you taught. And let us receive your peace as we serve you.
It is never lifeless religiosity to call upon the Spirit, especially during times like these. It’s never bland spirituality to ask that the Pentecostal Spirit be poured upon us to make us more caring neighbors, more caring Christians. Because to have the Holy Spirit move us means we might just receive anger and hostility but we might also just prophesy and speak of a world that seeks justice and fairness for all our neighbors—which is every human being. To be moved by the Spirit might just mean we can see visions of how following Jesus produces non-discrimination against our neighbors. To dream dreams of how the Good News of Jesus Christ calls us to act might just help us practice love for our neighbors that has no boundaries.
And when we participate with God in doing that, then it is a festal day! The point is not to see end results. God’s in charge of the end results. Not us. The point is to work at it with God, and for God, so that when one neighbor is saved from gun violence, it’s a festal day! When one neighbor is spared injustice, it’s a festal day! When one neighbor comes out of the closet of fear or from behind the shadows of danger and into freedom, then more are sure to follow. It’s a festal day!
And that’s a blessed day… a day that all ages will cherish: A day when God shone with grace, over the whole, wide earth. May it be so. Amen.
Monday - Thursday: 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Closed for lunch from 12 noon - 1:00 p.m.