Rev. Dr. Galen E. Russell III | July 28, 2024
John 6:1-21; Ephesians 3:12-21
“Now to [God] who by the power at work within us is able to accomplish abundantly far more than all we can ask or imagine...”
Let me set the context of this reading from Ephesians. Paul is describing his powerful, spiritual understanding about what God did in Christ. It’s the mystery of God’s plan revealed for people of the world and carried out by Christ Jesus… and the mystery is that Christ’s living Holy Spirit lives in us… that the risen Christ has the ability to put into any person who wants it, the same living Holy Spirit that lived in him. So any person, regardless of race, clan, background, or creed, Jew or non-Jew, slave or free, male or female or trans, gay or straight, conervative or liberal, Republican or Democrat, any person can be a temple where God lives. Paul wants that all the world would know that there is inclusivity and acceptance in God. There is freedom from sin’s hold on our lives, and there is direct access to God—all this is in the boundless riches of having Christ’s spirit living within. And all this is huge for us. Because life becomes rich and good and meaningful. God wants to exist in the lives of those God created in the image of God so that God could be here in our lives.
Prayer: You live in us, O God. May we call on you in our spirit as we share our lives and work together. Amen.
Ok. Here we go… what do Samuel Jackson, Jennifer Garner, Alec Baldwin, Taylor Swift, Charles Barkley, Spike Lee, John Travolta, and even regular, non-celebrity folk like John and Kendall Antonelli all have in common? They’ve all said to us, “What’s in your wallet?” Yep. It’s Capital One’s ad campaign that has been running for… are you ready for this? 24 years! I was like WOW! [mind-blown gesture] Blown away that it’s been that long!
Now, to be honest, I’ve always struggled with the ads because they put the finger on what our society and what Capital One says should be nearest and dearest to our hearts… our money. Our credit cards. Our flight miles. And the struggle comes because God always says that what needs to be nearest and dearest to our hearts is not our money, or our love of money, but God. And our love of God. It’s the whole “No slave can serve two masters; you cannot serve God and wealth” thing that Jesus says (Matthew 6:24).
And the message in today’s Bible readings is certainly not “What’s in your wallet,” but instead screams “What’s in your spirit?” What’s in your inner being? What’s nearest and dearest to your heart?
And Paul shares his prayers that the answer would be Christ living in our inner beings. That we would be a place where God dwells. That Christ’s living Holy Spirit would be in our inner lives, strengthening us with power through his Holy Spirit. That we would be rooted and grounded in love and have a deep understanding of the love of Christ. And that we might be filled with all the fullness of God! Wow! All who come to believe, and follow, and accept Christ as Savior receive all that on the inside! “Holy Cow! Who knew! I didn’t know I had all that in me!” Did you know you had all that in you?”
If the answer’s no, it’s because, I would guess, that we don’t think that way, hmm? We don’t perceive the impact of what it means to have a spiritual life with God alive in us, with the Holy Spirit’s presence that is vibrant, and influential, and powerful enough to shape who we are and the choices we make and give us the energy and wisdom to get through.
Because often we see the world only in a certain way, and it’s hard to undo those perspectives, right? I mean we feel the stress in our lives. Sometimes, the metaphorical ‘crowd’ all that goes on in our lives, is too large. Like managing our professional lives with personal lives sometimes feels like a monumental challenge.
Lots of times, lots of things go on all at once in our lives. Like feeding a relationship with our spouses, or partners and significant others that is happy and promotes well-being takes an ongoing supply of energy and at times feels like feeding the 5000! And we know that the five barley loaves and two fish in our wallets are waaaaay short of what we need. In other words, we can’t do it on our own. There’s never enough of our own resources to keep things spinning, it feels like sometimes. That’s the perspective of scarcity.
It can feel like the circus entertainer who puts plates on a stick and starts them spinning. Years ago, Barb and I went to a worship service while on vacation, and in the sermon, the pastor had a guy do the act of spinning plates to illustrate the point. He went running from plate to plate trying to keep each one going enough so as not to fall and crash.
And I got to thinking, that feels very familiar right about now. As you know, these last two weeks at Christ Church have felt like the crowd (all the ministries at Christ Church) look VERY LARGE, and our resources (our pastoral and office staff) all of a sudden look VERY MEAGER. And still the plates of ministry keep on spinning.
And Jesus asks tongue in cheek… “Where are we to buy bread for these people to eat?” Like he doesn’t know! Hah!
He does know! And Jesus wants his disciples to know. And he wants us to know. That we can and need to turn to God who lives in us for all our needs. And have faith in God. And see things not through a perspective of scarcity, but abundance.
Because God, who is THE power alive and at work IN our inner spirit is able to accomplish abundantly far more than all we can ask or imagine. Did you know that you had God in you? All along. To help you with the spinning plates in your life. To give you hope. To say to you in the middle of what feels like scarce resources, in the middle of strong winds and rough waves of a complicated, sometimes painful and fearful life, “It is I. Don’t be afraid. I am with you.” Did you know that God walks on top of all those fearful things? The rough seas in our lives?
And God provides enough for us to make it through. You find that you have friends and fellow church members and support and lots of love and all that that gets multiplied.
Did you know we had God in our church? All along! To help us. To give us hope. To say to us in the middle of what feels like scarcity of staff and resources, in the middle of strong winds and the rough waves of all our ministries including making our Accessibility Vision of an elevator and ADA bathrooms a reality, “It is I. Don’t be afraid. I am with you.” Did you know that God walks on top of those these things in the life of our church?
And we get enough to make it through. We find that we have volunteers and financial support and love and all that gets multiplied.
So, the bottom line is this: God lives in each of us. And turning to God in faith in all circumstances creates the possibility of all the resources you need getting multiplied. Because God, who is THE power alive and at work IN US, is able to accomplish abundantly far more than all we can ask or imagine.
So, what’s in your spirit? Let it be God’s life. Did you know you had it in you? You do now. Thanks be to God! Amen.
Monday - Thursday: 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Closed for lunch from 12 noon - 1:00 p.m.