Luke 14: 25-33 Rev. Dr. Galen E. Russell III
The whole book of Deuteronomy basically is three speeches Moses delivers to the people of Israel. They were right on the edge of the land God promised to give Abraham, but they haven’t entered it yet. And since Moses can’t go into the Promised Land (that’s a whole ‘nother story), he recaps what happened from when God brought the Israelites out of Egypt, led them through the wilderness, and brought them to this point at the Jordan River. And now, right before his death, Moses admonishes the people to make a deliberate choice to remain faithful to God and God’s covenant made with them and the consequences of doing that or not.
Deuteronomy 30: 15-20 September 4, 2022
"Choose Life! Choose Christ!"
“Choose life so that you and your descendants may live, loving the Lord your God, obeying him, and holding fast to him; for that means life to you and length of days...”
Prayer: Life-giving God, life isn’t about us; it’s all about you, and what you want to do through us. Please help us to choose you to find deep joy in the same communion Jesus had with you. Amen.
Back in the day when I just got my driver’s license, at age 16, we lived on the corner of Park Street and South 4th Street in Pekin, Illinois. South 4th Street was a one way street with the traffic going south. Well, one day, I got into my car, backed out of the driveway onto Park Street, and headed to down to the corner. I was going to my friend’s house one block to the north on South 4th Street. Being young and dumb, I was too lazy to go down to 3rd street, go 2 blocks north, and come up to my friend’s house. So, I looked around, saw no cars, and nobody watching (or so I thought), and I turned NORTH on South 4th Street—the wrong way on a one-way street! It was just one block! And I hurried!
Well, guess who was working in the garden? Dad! And first thing out of his mouth when he saw me later was, “Did I see you going the wrong way on 4th street?” Gulp. I admitted it. And he said to me, “Don’t you EVER do that again! That’s choosing a death sentence! And, gimme your keys. You’re grounded from driving for a week.” Ugh! I look back on that now, and I guess the punishment fit the crime, yah?
The thing that stuck out for me was remembering dad’s statement “That’s choosing a death sentence!” Exactly the opposite of what Moses admonished the people of Israel to do. He told them to choose a life sentence opposite what that means today.
Moses said that life and prosperity AND death and adversity are set before them. Both are givens in life. We have the same in our lives, don’t we? We have good and bad. Prosperity and adversity. Life and death. Well, Moses said that if they obey God’s commandments and everything, they will survive and thrive amid the good and bad, prosperity and adversity, life and death. If they chose not to obey, if their hearts turn away from God, Moses warns them that they will face destruction. They won’t survive in the new land they are about to enter.
So, people of God, choose life! So that you and your descendants may live. Choose God! Love God. Love neighbor. Love yourself. Follow in God’s ways. Hold fast to God. Be loyal to God above all loyalties! Live by God’s way of justice, (which is not revenge justice) it’s fairness and equality, loving one another, caring for the poor and needy. Do this and you will live.
So, how’s that working out for us? I mean so many times people don’t choose life and figuratively decide to go down the wrong way on a one way street. Like this past Thursday, on my drive to Reading, a motorcycle was ahead of me cruising along at 70 mph. The driver wasn’t wearing a helmet because it was strapped to the rack behind him. A lot of good it’s doing back there!
Or worse, literally, thousands of youth pick up smoking cigarettes every day when they know that it could kill them. Perhaps even more get hooked onto drugs and alcohol every day.
Or even worse than that, there are literally thousands of irresponsible gun owners who make the choice that violence is the only way to solve their problems. And there are literally tens of thousands of military grade guns in the hands of irresponsible gun owners. These guns are designed to mow down as many people as possible in one fell swoop.
And maybe the worst of all are the churches that advocate our nation as only a Christian nation when we clearly are not. People in America practice many religions, but we’re all Americans. And those churches often deny entrance and involvement to people trying to authentic lives just because they don’t fit into societal constructs of what is considered “normal.” How is that choosing life? How is that choosing to love God, neighbor and self?
Now, I know some of you may have concern that I raise such flash points in a sermon. But I do so believing that we, as people of God, are to see every bit of our lives—the physical, the moral, the spiritual, cultural, political, the controversial, our finances, relationships, schoolwork, jobs—all of it through the influence of God and God’s Divine Spirit. Through the after-affect of us choosing God and choosing life and blessings instead of death and curses.
Because you see, God loves and cares for each of us deeply. I believe what we do matters to God. The choices we make matter to God. As people. As a church. As a community. As a nation. God is Stillspeaking saying, “Choose life!” Life that is restorative. And beautiful. Life-giving. And holy.
Jesus is Stillspeaking and saying to us, “Follow me,” because he knows that following him and his ways is also following God and God’s ways.
But, Jesus is very clear this ain’t the easiest choice in the world to make—to follow him and be his disciple. Jesus’ words may be hard to hear, but they are what we need to hear, I think. Because choosing Christ has its demands. It’s a decision that requires thinking it through. It involves loyalty to God and God’s covenant made with us. And sacrifice at times. It means carrying the cross.
Choosing Christ may mean at times giving up stuff, like what’s familiar to us, what’s comfortable, the love of our affinities, carrying our cross so that others may live. It may also mean making amends so that healing can take place. So that long overdue restoration can begin. Like what happened in July when a delegation of African American scholar-activists traveled to Rome to meet with Catholic bishop Paul Tighe, secretary of the Pontifical Council of Culture. They started dialoguing about how the Catholic Church sanctioned and benefited from the transatlantic slave trade in the 15th century. The delegation is calling for the Church to officially rescind various decrees made by the Pope centuries ago that led to the enslavement and bondage of millions of African people. Honestly, I can’t believe the Church hasn’t done that yet! The call is also out to support local reparation efforts in areas affected by the church’s slavery practices, including in the United States. Rev. Tighe says that the Catholic Church has never apologized to African Americans, but the time for such considerations is “ripe” (The Christian Century, September 2022, pg. 10, taken from Black Catholic Messenger, July 20, 2022).
But make no mistake. When we choose life, we choose Christ, and even with the sacrifice, even with the strenuous rigors, we discover that we really are living. More alive than even before! Choosing Christ is discovering God’s Promised Land for us, for our church, our community, even for our nation and world. It’s spiritually a bountiful place, full of life and abundance for us, for everyone, right now. It’s the balance between the love of God with love of neighbor with love of ourselves, and the interplay between all three.
So Choose life—a life sentence, so that we may live.
Choose Christ, that we may share in the spiritual bounty of this Promised Land that God swore to give to our spiritual ancestors, which is broadened by Christ and which doors are opened up for everyone. Thanks be to God! Amen.
Monday - Thursday: 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Closed for lunch from 12 noon - 1:00 p.m.