Rev. Dr. Galen E. Russell III
November 26, 2023
Ezekiel 34:11-16; Ephesians 1:15-23
“I pray that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of glory, may give you a spirit of wisdom and revelation as you come to know God...”
Prayer: As you search for us and as we search for you, may we come to know you more fully in our lives, O God in whom we have all our hope. Amen.
Isn’t “Christmas in November” one of our very favorite mission projects to do? I love it when our kids parade in bringing the gifts we’ve purchased for people in need. And as you know, all the gifts we received for this year’s project are going to Habitat for Humanity’s new home owners. It warms the heart. It’s a good thing we do here at Christ Church.
Those are material gifts. Physical items we’ve purchased and offered to God. And, of course, as we head into Advent and eventually Christmas, for many of us and many in our world, this upcoming season is about giving material gifts to our friends and loved ones. And it’s good.
But with one glance at today’s Bible readings, it’s clear that God is inviting us to receive deeper gifts. Right now. In our lives. Gifts that are spiritual. Gifts that are not seen nearly as much as they are felt.
In Ezekiel the prophet writes about God who is passionate about people. God, like a shepherd searching for a lost sheep, seeks us when we spiritually lose our way. When we can’t find God. We’ve all been there before. When we struggle to find meaning in life. When we suffer from anxiety or depression. When money, power, sex, drugs, alcohol, food, sports, anger, material things, whatever… when these don’t fill our lives anymore, God promises to find us, love us, grace us, and bring us back. Take us to a new place where life is as a level plain, not as a constant uphill battle. God will feed us with spiritual food that nourishes our inner lives and brings peace.
So, God finding us. Loving us. Gracing us. Bringing us back. These are deeper gifts. These give us hope, especially with faith in Jesus as God’s son.
I believe there’s more...God desires to be present and tend to our injured spirit when life is cruel. When people who are close to us hurt us the most. When the holidays bring about a deep sadness or loneliness because of the loss of a loved one. God will speak words of comfort to us in the middle of what sounds like God’s silence. Spiritual food and water for hungry and thirsty souls. These are deeper gifts and are part of God’s riches we inherit from God to us, with faith in Jesus as our Savior.
God promises to bring about justice and fairness when hatred and evil in the world, a lot of it showing up in warring countries, in violence on our streets, and even in the church, puts people in danger, or causes hurt, mistreatment. So, God’s Presence. Comfort. Justice. These are the deeper gifts. And are reflective of God’s glorious power for those who believe in Jesus Christ as our Redeemer.
But watch it here. In the same way that life’s difficulties can take us away from God, life’s goodness and fatness can do the same thing. I mean when life is good, well, that can make us feel spiritually great. But, the danger is independence. Because when things are going well, we can easily be seduced into thinking we don’t need God. In our abundance we can be insulated from noticing the despair around us. Life’s goodness can put blinders on us, so to speak, so as not to see, or respect, or value others who are different from us. We can be shielded off in our own little world thinking “our way is the way everyone should be.”
So, I think it’s in life’s struggles and sometimes life’s goodness when God invites us to receive the deeper spiritual gifts. And Ephesians tells us the deeper gifts are the spirit of wisdom and revelation. And both of these deeper gifts are given to us by the Spirit as we come to know God.
And I think these are key words. As we come to know God. God doesn’t fill us with divine wisdom instantly when we say yes to God. God doesn’t show us all that God has planned for our lives when we have faith in Jesus Christ. I wish God would do that sometimes, but God doesn’t work that way. No, divine wisdom comes as we come to know God more and more on our journeys. As we grow closer to God. It’s a process. We have to practice at it.
The more we come to know God personally through the practices of prayerful discernment, or study of scripture, or through talking faith with others, or a little of all three, the more the spiritual energy of God gives us divine wisdom to live by. The more we desire to know Jesus Christ through prayer, or reading his stories and studying his teachings, or talking faith with others, or about Christ, or a little of all three, the more God’s spiritual energy reveals to us what we need to see.
I’ve come to understand that God will only enlighten us with what we need to know or reveal to us what we need to see for that particular moment we are in. And God, I think, invites us to have faith in God for everything else beyond that. To have hope in the deeper gift that God knows what’s going on much better than I do. To believe that Holy Spirit is at work in ways I can’t possibly imagine—in the conscious realm, which is what I experience in life, and in the unconscious realm, which is what I can’t know about.
I mean all of us have something that befuddles us in our lives, don’t we? So much is unclear. Why we are going through what we’re going through. We ask, “why did that have to happen?” Or “why isn’t this going through?” Things get obscure sometimes, don’t they? So much is beyond our understanding. This happens in our lives, our church, our community, our world.
I think God understands how obscure things are to us. But, the relevant question I think is this—do I believe that God understands what I can’t possibly understand? Do I have faith that God’s spiritual energy is at work in all things beyond my comprehension?
It’s like in the days before we had GPS in our cars and on our phones. I remember having maps in my car. Remember those days? I love reading maps. But, sometimes, even the map didn’t help. And in those moments I had to stop and ask for directions from a local. And I didn’t know the person from Adam, but I trusted that person to get me on the right path to my destination. Because I had faith that the person knew the area much better that I did. I trusted in that person’s word even more so than the map I held in my hand.
Having faith in God like that is a deeper gift. Believing that God is the force who is ever present, always available, always accessible is a deeper gift. To follow Jesus is to approach our lives and our world, which are both messy and full of challenges, with faith in God’s spiritual energy behind it all.
As people of faith, I invite you to trust in God’s deeper gift of spiritual energy that is always at work. That spiritual energy constantly seeks and saves those who are lost, no matter how far they’ve strayed. God cares about lost sheep, those who may veer from the path, and those who feel unworthy to return home. Let us stand on the promises of deeper gifts from the one who seeks out the lost, brings back the scattered, and finds and binds the broken. We are never so far lost that the grace of God can’t find us. Such is the deeper gift. And those deeper gifts come with faith in G, in Christ, who was born to us. Thanks be to God! Amen.
Monday - Thursday: 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Closed for lunch from 12 noon - 1:00 p.m.