Matthew 5: 21-26
1 Corinthians 3: 1-9
February 12, 2023
Rev. Dr. Galen E. Russell III
“You are God’s field, God’s building.”
Prayer: Help us mature in faith, O God, so that we can be about the changes you bring for tomorrow. Amen.
The Opening Words in the bulletin as we began were in part based Deuteronomy 30. I want to share with you the story behind Deuteronomy 30. Moses and all the Israelites who have been led out of Egypt are right at the edge of the Promised Land waiting to go in. In Deuteronomy, Moses summarizes all of the Israelites 40 years in the wilderness since the exodus out of Egypt in three big long speeches.
So. at the end of the last speech, Moses tells the people that the ways of God are laid out before them, the way life and prosperity, death and adversity, blessings and curses. But, they must choose. Moses tells them to “Choose life, so that you and your descendants may live in the land by loving the Lord your God (see Deuteronomy 30: 15-20).
In other words, you’ve come this far, but don’t stop there. Go into the Promised land and choose life. The journey as God’s people is not complete. No, it’s only just begun.
A few years ago, when we went through our 2-year + process of becoming an Open and Affirming Church, we finally got to the point of voting to adopt our ONA Covenant. And we did! You! But some were like, “OK. Good. We did that. Don’t have to think about that ONA stuff anymore.” But, several of us said, “Don’t stop there! The journey as an ONA church has just begun!”
I have 5 youth in Confirmation this year. So many of our previously confirmed youth have the mentality that confirmation was like graduation, “OK, I got confirmed. Now I’m done.” But, I’m like, “No! Don’t stop there! Getting confirmed is a beginning of a personal faith journey with God and engagement with others in the church’s ministries. Confirmation isn’t an end, you’re just getting started!
Last Sunday in my sermon I told you to breathe in and savor two essences of who you are: 1) that you are Beloved by God and 2) that you are Light-filled. I told us that we live in the ocean of God’s love. Our reality is love and redemption. Humanity lives in the reality of God’s everflowing Love and Redemption. When we accept Christ Jesus as our Savior and Redeemer, we are aware of that great gift of God. And all that is great and wonderful and good!
But, don’t stop there! I have too much love and respect for you guys as people on the faith journey, as people who think critically and thoughtfully to have you stop there. Because to stop there I think means stopping short of God reaching the goal that God has for you and me.
And, what is God’s goal for us? Well, I don’t believe God’s goal for us is to save or redeem us. Jesus already did that. We ARE saved, redeemed, and loved, every single one of us… every single person of the human race.
I also don’t believe God’s goal is to make us better people, to have us live by the golden rule, doing unto others, and all that. We can choose to do that on our own. The golden rule exists in several other religions and cultures.
No, I keep thinking that God’s goal is to have you… that’s it… to simply have you. You, with all your strengths, gifts, and abilities. You… with all your humanness, weaknesses and missteps. You… with every part of you under God’s full influence of love and grace so that God can help herself to you and your gifts, and use you all the have you become the will of God... at any time. Anywhere.
So, I wonder if God’s big project—is you. Paul says you are God’s field in which God wants to work. You are God’s building. You are God’s big project. God is working on your heart, to have you… to have you be a place where God lives. To have you be the words that God wants to speak. To have you be God’s light to the world.
And God uses some others in your life, too, using their gifts for that common purpose, whether they know it or not. While each person brings something unique, each of their many perspectives can lead you to God. God causes the growth on your heart so that you choose to say, “God, I’m yours. You had me at ‘ever-flowing Love and Redemption.’ Use me as you will.” Then God has you. You are God’s big project.
I think God delights in knowing that “I have blank as my faithful servant, to serve me, and my purposes in the world,” and fill in the blank with your name.
Now lest some of you think that that sounds too simple, let me just say that it is much more challenging than it sounds. Think of last Sunday’s message that our true essence as Beloved and Light-filled is Part A. The spiritual milk part. But don’t stop there. Today is Part B. The solid food of faith part.
Because yes, humanity lives in the reality of God’s everflowing Love and Redemption. But, I think if God is going to have you and me, as Christians, we have to continue maturing in the Christian faith. And honestly, that requires a good long look at how we embrace, incorporate, and follow the teachings of Jesus of Nazareth, or not.
I mean if you or I choose not to let God’s grace and redeeming love change us on the inside… if you or I enjoy and savor God’s presence and love only for ourselves without sharing it with others, then who cares if someone has something against me when I come to worship… it’s my religion, it’s my private faith, it’s basically for me whenever I need and want it… That’s what a lot of Christian people believe nowadays.
But, that’s not what Jesus taught. Jesus taught that before you come and worship and offer your gift at the altar, go and make good with the person who has some grudge against you; then come and worship. He taught that way before you judge someone because of their grievous crime, remember that even the little things of your lives are judged, too! So be careful about judging the insignificant flaws that someone has when you haven’t really examined the big ones of your own!
Or if God has us, might we need to apply the teachings of Jesus, say, to our thinking on gun control, or capital punishment, or immigration, or Christian nationalism, and other hot button topics…? Jesus said, “Turn the other cheek,” and “blessed are the peacemakers,” but many Christians in America favor the death penalty more often than atheists. And many Christian politicians resist deeper gun control laws for several reasons, some of which are because they are beholden to the NRA. And mass shootings continue without ceasing in our nation.
In Paul’s day they had the good news of God’s redemptive action in Jesus Christ. But many didn’t mature from that point. There was in-church fighting about who was to receive God’s grace and who was not. There was jealously and quarreling about who belonged to whom. Who did they align with? All of which revealed that they had not matured in faith; they did not choose to have God’s grace and redeeming love change them on the inside.
So, the call for us today is to receive God’s grace and redeeming love. But don’t stop there! Keep maturing in the Christian faith. To have our belief and behavior flow together. To keep opening ourselves up to God saying, “God, here I am. I’m yours. Cause your Spirit to live and grow in me so that I may be useful to you.”
And you know what happens when one person of faith whom God has comes together with another person God has, and another person, and another, and another? What we have is—church. God’s big project is you, and together God’s big project is us. Together.
We as the Church can become an instrument that God can use to be God’s words of love and grace and do God’s will of justice and peace in our world. To help us and others awaken to Jesus’ teachings, and live by them, and apply them in our world. To be a beacon of love and total acceptance for any person trying to make their way through life.
To awaken and keep awakening ourselves to the places where God can use us. To open ourselves up to God so that God’s will is enacted through us. To awaken to social injustice. To open our eyes to the ways those living on the margins are ridiculed and systemically oppressed.
If that’s what it means to be part of the “woke” culture, then I’m proud to be that. The woke culture has been given a bad rap, these days, used as a weapon for those waking up to injustice. But I think it’s part of maturing in faith. It’s part of the solid food of faith. Because we are God’s field. We are God’s building. We are God’s big project. But, don’t stop there. Amen.
Monday - Thursday: 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Closed for lunch from 12 noon - 1:00 p.m.