2 Corinthians 5: 20b-6:10
Matthew 6: 1-6, 16-21
February 14, 2024
Rev. Dr. Galen E. Russell III
“… your Father who sees in secret will reward you.”
Prayer: May we follow you, O Christ, in secret, so that our faith becomes something you can use in your wisdom, as you desire, out in the open. In Christ we pray, Amen.
Today is a curious day. As you probably have heard by now, Ash Wednesday and Valentine’s Day have lined up on the same day. Which is really quite the anomaly because the last time this occurred was in 1945. And it has only happened only two other times in this century. It’s kind of a weird juxtaposition. Mortality and sinfulness on the one hand. And love and romance on the other.
And what is also weird is that if you look around, you see all the people sitting with you with smudged crosses on their foreheads or on the top of their hands. The irony is that the cross used to be an executioner’s symbol, but now it’s a symbol of God’s new life in us shown by what Christ went through. So we smudge the cross on our bodies. It’s a practice we do once a year to remind ourselves and others that we are Christians, that we follow Jesus.
Which is fine… but the ironic juxtaposition is that Jesus teaches us to not call attention to ourselves regarding our piety. We’re much better off going to God in secret and humbly nurturing our faith behind closed doors where no one else can see. Only God alone. The crosses on our foreheads sort of blatantly defies the humility that Jesus teaches us to practice, doesn’t it?
Guideposts writer Jon Sweeney wrote that he went to an Ash Wednesday service at noon time. A cross from ashes was smudged on his forehead. And when he came out of the church and went walking down the street, he knew that he was visibly expressing his faith to everyone who saw him, that he was a follower of Jesus. But after a few minutes, he grew self conscious about it. Until he couldn’t take it anymore… he could not reconcile the ashes on his forehead speaking a truth about himself with the humility Jesus asks. The secrecy of faith. And he wiped away the smudged cross from his forehead while walking down the street (Walking in Grace, 2024, Jon Sweeney, Guideposts, February 14, 2024, pg. 49).
We are followers of Jesus, more or less, to varying degrees. And we have crosses on our foreheads or hands to show this. Some of us wear crosses around our necks. Not for the purposes of others seeing how pious we are, but for us to know we’re on a spiritual journey. A journey where we can grow closer to God by learning from Jesus, following his ways, and seeing what “Following Jesus” means for our life of faith. For our relationship with God. And others.
So, I was thinking that this Jesus-teaching about being with God in secret is a great place to start because maybe an important part of following Jesus is to first zero in on God if for no other reason than just to know God. To have God in your life. That know that God is totally knock-down crazy about you. To know that God welcomes you when you’re in your secret place.
You know our mantra “No matter who you are, or where you are on life’s journey you are welcome here?” We say that and mean it—that anyone is welcome in our church. No matter what. But, what if God is saying the same thing when we come to God in our secret place? Think of it. You go to your room, your quiet place, and God speaks to your inner spirit saying, “Oh my child, no matter who you are, or where you are on your life’s journey, you are welcome here, where I AM, in your secret space.”
Wow! You are welcome in God’s place, your secret space. To nurture your relationship with God. To work on it in your quiet place when no one else knows your even there. Jesus teaches that God who is in this secret place sees you and rewards you.
So, what is this reward? What is the good of knowing God personally? What possible difference could following Jesus make in our lives?
To be honest, I often think that it’s the difference between life and death. Because knowing God can be as simple as finding some spiritual contentment in a world of discontentment. Some inner peace when life’s circumstances are in turmoil. Which is huge when you’re trying to cope with everything going on in life. But spiritual contentment, inner peace, relationship with God gives life for the next moment, the next hour, the next day. Like the song says, “One day at a time, sweet Jesus!” And it helps live instead of dying.
It’s like the reward is a spiritual energy, especially with so much going on in the world tries to downplay, distract, or even deny our need for spiritual energy. But the reward is that no matter how much the world tries to dishonor knowing God, God honors our effort to have God in our lives. To know God. We may gain ill repute from others who don’t know God. But with God, we have good repute. The reward we get from God is the energy to face the trials and difficulties that come when living by faith.
I love Paul’s words. In his day, he was aware of how much resistance people were feeling for being followers of Jesus. How much torture they experienced. How much persecution they endured. Much more than what we face today in our culture.
But remember there are Christians around the world who are persecuted to this day for following Jesus. And to varying degrees, there are marginalized Christians in our own country who are persecuted to this day.
But Paul wrote words of encouragement. They were treated as imposters, but God knows their truth. They were unknown, but are well known by God. They were dying for their beliefs at the hands of the authorities of the day, but their secret reward of spiritual energy made them alive. The world punished them, but they were resilient. The world wanted them sorrowful, and poor, and wanted them to amount to nothing. But their spiritual reward was that in God, they could rejoice, and were rich, and had everything!
Our spiritual rewards are the same. Being with God in our secret place rewards us with the spiritual energy to face all kinds of circumstances we find ourselves in.
So, I encourage you to start this Lenten journey of Following Jesus first by practicing what Jesus teaches. Go to God in your secret place. Be there. Know God. Live in God’s Presence. Feel God’s welcome. And God, who is crazy about you, in secret, will reward you.
So decide to follow Jesus. Make that your choice. Don’t turn back. Go forward with God following Jesus.
Monday - Thursday: 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Closed for lunch from 12 noon - 1:00 p.m.