Song of Solomon 2: 8-13
Matthew 11: 16-19, 25-30
July 9, 2023
Rev. Dr. Galen E. Russell III
“Come to me, all you that are weary and are carrying heavy burdens, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me.”
Prayer: May each of us choose to live a new life in you, O God, so that we may find courage and energy, res and peace. Amen.
A couple of weeks ago, Barb and I went to Illinois to celebrate my brother JD’s retirement from the police force. The next day, as sort of a symbol of his new freedom, we went fishing. We both were using lures; his simulated a small fish with a flashy tail, and mine was a fake worm. Both of us could see the largemouth bass that were swimming near the reeds in the water. Both of us kept trying to entice those big boys to get a quick meal. And both of us caught two fish. But only JD landed his. Both of mine got off before I reeled them in. I failed to set the hook well enough, the drag on my reel was set improperly, and I was out of practice… blah, blah, blah. Sounds like a bunch of excuses, doesn’t it? Well, they are... More on making excuses in a minute… But JD’s 2nd fish was a beautiful 3+ pound largey, good enough for a pic!
I started thinking about how we tried to entice those fish using lures, and the thought occurred to me that maybe God tries to entice us, too. Only God’s enticement is not intended to mislead us and get a hook stuck in our mouths. No, God’s enticement is intended to lead us to real life. The Spirit entices and calls us to a life of meaning and authenticity. To a life of real covenantal relationship.
And this covenantal relationship God started with human beings long ago with Abraham and Sarah. God promised to be their God, and they were to be God’s people. That covenant was upgraded with Moses (call it Covenant 2.0) when God promised to provide laws for the people to live by, and if they obeyed, life would go well, and the people would prosper. If not, then the consequences could be dire.
And God steadfastly was their God, and loved them, and faithfully kept God’s part of the covenant. But people being people, regularly broke covenant. The faithlessness of self-centered kings of Israel and Judah and false prophets led people astray to worship false gods. The voices of God’s real prophets to Israel were dismissed, or worse, silenced.
But always, God’s Spirit was tried to entice Israel back. Trying to coax the nation back into love. To claim their God-given “beloved-ness.” That, I think, is a beautiful way to understand the Song of Solomon. As a love song between God and the people of Israel. In this case, “My beloved” is God. “My love” is Israel. You can insert God where we read “My beloved” and Israel where we read “my love.’ God comes, leaping, bounding. God looks and speaks saying, “Arise, my love, Israel, my fair one. Come away with me.” Can you feel the enticement of the Spirit?
But, Israel consistently broke covenant. And still, God was consistent with faithfulness. Then in a new level of faithfulness, God comes to Israel and the entire human race in Jesus Christ. And Christ continues to entice people to a new life. “Come to me, all you that are weary and are carrying heavy burdens, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me.”
Do you feel the enticement of the Spirit in Jesus’ words “Come to me?” Because many of our circumstances or decisions create difficulties in our lives, and our hearts can get worn out or heavy. When you get like this, I invite you to heed the enticement of the Spirit and come to Jesus.
Because you can sub in your name where the Song says “my love” or “my fair one.” “The voice of my beloved, God, says to me, ‘Arise [and put your name in here], my love, my fair one, for the time of your difficulty, a time of stagnancy in your life is over. A time of new life, a time of singing has come. Arise, my love [your name]. Come away. Take my yoke upon you. Learn from me. For I am gentle and humble in heart. “Walk with me. Work with me. I won’t lay anything heavy or ill-fitting on you. Keep company with me, and you’ll learn to live freely and lightly” (Matthew 29-30, from The Message). Do you feel the enticement of the Spirit to renew the covenant with God? To come to Jesus? God is inviting you to come.
Which is a far cry from other enticements we face. I mean we want to lose weight, but we easily get enticed to enjoy a coffee roll or piece of cake. Barb tells me, “These things call out to me!” We want to exercise, but are enticed by the extra half hour of sleep instead of getting up a half hour earlier each morning. We want to stay sober or virtuous, but the lure of alcohol or inappropriate Internet sites or illicit relationships can be overwhelming. We want to be non-anxious in our leadership, but we succumb to fear. We want to spend time with our children or spouse, but the enticement of feeling worthy through our jobs entraps us, and we immerse ourselves in our work neglecting ones who need us most. We want to reach out to the poor and vulnerable, but worry that “Go Fund Me” efforts are a scam enticing us to part with our money, ripping us off (based on Epperly, Bruce, The Adventurous Lectionary – Fifth Sunday after Pentecost – July 9, 2023 | Bruce Epperly ( retrieved July 7, 2023).
We want something done about gun violence, but we feel helpless because politicians are reluctant and ghost guns are on the rise as we saw in Philly last week, and we are enticed not to do anything.
Even some Christians and some churches now are enticed by the “Warrior Christ,” the powerful conquering king who is victorious over Satan. Christ will lead the U.S. into becoming a Christian nation, they say. And all laws in our land should be based on Christian laws found in the Bible and Christianity should be found in the public square.
The “Warrior Christ” is a far cry from the Christ who says “Learn from me; for I am gentle and humble in heart.” Or from the prophet Zechariah who says, “’Not by might, nor by power, but by my Spirit,’ says the Lord of hosts” (Zechariah 4:6).
It seems we are enticed by everything BUT the Spirit of our faithful, vulnerable, humble, covenant-making God.
And Jesus lamented that in his day. The enticement of the Spirit was ignored. He says that it was like they attended a dance and the music played the Electric Slide, but everyone was like wall flowers and just continued talking! How is that possible? It’s the Electric Slide! (You promise to still love me on Monday knowing I enjoy the Electric Slide?)
Or worse, Jesus said that they raised their voices, wailing in protest at the oppression of people or at injustice, but there was no mourning, no rising up, no response from religious leadership. Just silence. Kind of like when the church in Nazi Germany in WWII had 17,000 pastors, and 3,000 of them sided with the Nazis, and 3,000 put up resistance against Hitler. But that meant that 11,000 pastors were silent and did nothing! They carried on with their Sunday worship services as usual. I mean I get it. Uninvolved is easy. And safer.
Like I said last Sunday, following Jesus can be rough business.
And excuses were made as to why they wouldn’t listen to the Spirit’s enticement. Jesus uses John the Baptist and himself as examples. John spoke of God’s realm. He observed kosher laws and didn’t get drunk. But, his words got too close to the nerve, so the excuse not to listen to him was that they said he had a demon.
Jesus, the Son of Man also came and spoke of God’s realm. But, he did NOT observe kosher laws and he was out drinking! [Gasp!] Some people called Jesus a glutton and a drunk! Which was the excuse the religious leadership made not to listen to him!
But regardless of any excuses made, God continues in faithfulness to the covenant. And God made the new covenant made through Jesus. He IS the new covenant for new life. And God continues to entice us by Jesus’ invitation to come to him. No excuses. Just come.
And God continues to entice the Church to renew our part of the new covenant with God. That’s another way to understand the Love Song of Solomon. That Jesus Christ is “My beloved” and the Church is “my love, my fair one.” You can insert Christ as “my beloved” who is lovingly gazing in the windows of the Church, speaking to the Church: “Arise, my love, my Christ Church UCC, my fair one. Come away. Learn from me. Be enticed by my Spirit. Take my yoke upon you. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.”
The Spirit entices us to be the Church. To be Christ’s representatives in the world. To be about his mission and ministry. To role model for all to see God’s way of love and forgiveness, the way of mercy and grace, the way of justice and peace, the way of freedom and accountability, the way of inclusion and welcome. That’s living in covenantal love.
So, let us be enticed by the Spirit. For real life. For keeping our part of the covenant with God. Thanks be to God. Amen.
Monday - Thursday: 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Closed for lunch from 12 noon - 1:00 p.m.