2 Thess. 2: 1-5, 13-17
Luke 20: 27-38
November 6, 2022
Rev. Dr. Galen E. Russell III
“And the fact that the dead are raised Moses himself showed, in the story about the bush, where he speaks of the Lord as the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob.”
Prayer: May your truths, O God, and your Word, touch us deeply in our souls this day, as we worship you. Amen.
Halloween was this past Monday, and on Wednesday, I read this really weird story about archaeologists excavating a 17th century graveyard in Poland. They discovered a woman buried with an iron sickle over her neck and a padlock on her big toe! I can’t make this stuff up! Weird. Apparently, several bodies were discovered buried in similar ways back in 2015.
Archaeologists speculated that the woman was probably buried that way to “prevent her from rising from the dead.” No kidding! Because back in those days, people were really quite superstitious. Belief in vampires was common, despite no evidence.
But, archaeologists think that they had lots of reasons to fear someone coming back from the dead. Maybe the dead woman was mistreated in her life, and it was feared that she would come back and exact her revenge. That’s sounds very Halloween-ey, doesn’t it? Or, more likely, maybe the woman had a terrible disease, and they were afraid that she would return continuing the spread of the disease (‘Vampire’ Skeleton Found Pinned to Ground with Sickle Around Neck (newsweek.com) retrieved November 2, 2022). Well, whatever the reason, the message was that this woman’s life was over, and there would be no chance that she would return.
Weird and creepy, right?
Oh, what some people will do when an idea gets stuck in their heads, isn’t? I mean even without evidence, they tenaciously hung onto the belief that the woman might come back. Regardless of the truth, they were willing to go to extreme measures. This kind of stuff is what zombie movies are made of. Or election results. Did I say that?
But the truth is that the resurrection of the dead is a question most of us ponder once in a while. We wonder what will actually happen in that hour, if anything at all. And it comes right in that little sweet spot where religious belief and rational skepticism meet.
And I know that some of you are in the camp that nothing happens at all. You die, and that’s that. You just cease to exist. Maybe so. I hope not. And some of you are in the other camp—your body dies and you will see a light, and your spirit rises into God’s eternal realm. Maybe so. I hope so.
In Jesus’ day, the people and the religious leaders asked the same questions. The religious leaders were Pharisees and Sadducees. The Pharisees believed in the resurrection of the dead, in the spiritual world and the spirit’s life within.
The Sadducees did not. They basically said, ‘Don’t ever expect anything beyond this life right now.’ In fact, the Sadducees were so adamant in their belief that nothing happens after you die, that they went to a weird place. They devised a little scheme to try and trap Jesus. Using the laws of Moses found in Leviticus, they came up with a hypothetical, very improbable situation that raised a question about married couples in heaven. Obviously, since they didn’t believe in life after death, this was a trick question. One filled with malice and ill-will. Intended to be a “Gotcha, Jesus!” question with a hook. “Ha! Jesus’ll never be able to answer this, thus proving that there is no resurrection of the dead, and thereby discrediting his ministry.”
But, Jesus doesn’t fall into their trap. He knows they’re malicious. And he knows that questions of faith and spirit have multiple nuances and variations. So, he puts the answer where it belongs, in the context of the TRUTH of God’s gracious love. A love that can bring about the EXPECTATION of new life, even when the body dies.
See, that’s how I understand Jesus’ answer to the Sadducees. His answer creates truthful expectations. Truthful as in Jesus’ word is full of God’s truth. Which we are always trying to discern. No one has the corner on the market of God’s truth. It’s always developing.
Expectation as in realistic outcomes on the faith journey. What can we count on? What can we trust in? Just this: that God is faithful and just. We can expect that God IS the God of the deceased because God sees life in death. God IS the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. God is the God of Sharon Blough, Tom Drybred, Donald Stauffer, Lloyd Byers, Denny Fackler, Marlin Uhrich, Christine Wells, LGBTQ people whose lives have been cut short, relatives in our lives, and all the saints we named and spoke of today. God is the God of the living, for to God, all of them are alive.
And this precious gift of aliveness in God is not mainly for when our bodies die, when we go on as children of God living in the light. No, it is mainly for us who live right now. For us to be sanctified children of God now.
Sanctification, a marvelous theological word that we don’t speak of often enough, which is being made holy by God, is a truthful expectation fulfilled for you and me today. Because when we believe, God chooses to make us aware of God’s saving grace. And as Paul says, we can obtain and receive the same sanctification, the same new life, the same glory, the same resurrection, the same eternal comfort and hope that Christ received. We can receive that now. Today. That’s the truth.
Because with saving grace, God can bring about rebirth in stagnancy. Because all kinds of injuries can be healed. Hope can be restored. Forgiveness can be given and received. Love can emerge out of hate. Goodness can come out of chaos and turmoil. That’s the expectation. There’s truth...and expectation.
One of our Stillspeaking Writers, Rev. Molly Baskette recently posted her experience with a man named Mali Watkins. Rev. Baskette writes, “Two days before George Floyd died, Mali Watkins was dancing in the streets of Alameda, CA. He is a Black man, dapper and dear. He is also on the autism spectrum. He dances in the street every day: in his words, it’s how he gives “wholeness to the world.” The neighbors see him and wave and smile.
But one day in May, someone who didn’t know him called the police, concerned that he would get hit by a car. Eight cops showed up. They cuffed him, put him on the ground, kneeled on him, and Mali broke five teeth in the struggle. The arrest spawned huge dance parties by protestors, neighbors, and friends, with every hue of humans rocking out in the streets. Over the course of the next month, one Mali became many.”
Molly Baskette wrote, “I met Mali at one of those dance parties, and we ended up talking for half an hour. I was moved by his beautiful spirituality, and felt I was in the presence of someone anointed by God. I told him how sorry I was that he had suffered. His answer surprised me.
Mali shared with me about what he believed was the larger purpose that this arc of injustice [against him] brought about. Every day for months BEFORE his arrest, a man drove by him as he danced. This man was a city employee, and even in his official role and public uniform, [he shouted out racial and vulgar slurs toward Mali.]
Well, after Mali’s arrest, when the news and video went viral, the man sought him out at one of the dance parties. The man begged Mali’s forgiveness. They fell onto each other’s necks, weeping. Mali’s humanity had never been in question. But his own suffering, made more visible, had unearthed the other man’s humanity (personal email, “The Liberating Word: Dancing in the Streets,” Baskette, Molly, Lead Pastor, First UCC, Berkeley, CA, subbing in for Rev. Michael Piazza, received October 28, 2022). How about that?
Another truthful expectation: God can bring our goodness to the surface, that’s the truth. Even in the middle of the suffering and the dancing of life—that’s the expectation.
So, I hope that by the end of Tuesday night, no, by the end of next week, we will live in this truthful expectation. Because probably will feel the divisions in our nation once again. Some will be celebrating election victories; others mad at the loss, not accepting defeat very easily. But, even so, in life and in death, in victory and defeat, keep focused on God’s truth that we are loved by God with an everlasting love. And expect that with God as our partner, together the goodness of humanity will rise. The love of God will influence all. The resurrection of life after deadness does happen and will happen.
And we will find that to God, we are alive in Christ more than ever before. May it be so. Amen.
Monday - Thursday: 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Closed for lunch from 12 noon - 1:00 p.m.