Luke 17: 5-10
2 Timothy 2: 8-14
“But the word of God is not chained.”
Prayer: O word of God, speak. Pour on us like rain, that we may have you in our hearts, and be made new. Amen.
As I was researching for today’s sermon I ran across this story. I don’t know how true it is… but I liked it. A group of new recruits assigned to the U.S. Army Airborne School at Fort Benning were attending a class on how to operate a parachute. Their instructor was a seasoned parachuter, one well-practiced and full of wisdom about jumping out of an airplane. So here he was, passing on some vital information to the recruits, confidently explaining what to do in the event of a parachute malfunction. Understandably, every recruit was all ears.
“If your main parachute should fail to open, don’t panic—pull the handle of your auxiliary parachute. Should your auxiliary parachute fail to open and fill with air, don’t panic—pull it in toward your body and then vigorously throw it away from yourself. Should your auxiliary chute again fail to deploy, don’t panic—vigorously repeat this process.”
The sergeant paused for dramatic effect. Then, with a mischievous grin, he went on: “Should this also fail, don’t panic. You’ll have the rest of your life to get your parachute to open” (Single-tasking the Spiritual Life | Homiletics Online, retrieved September 30, 2022). You think those recruits were listening to every single word passed on to them? You betcha!
Passing on the word. That’s the feeling I get when I read this passage from 2 Timothy. It’s about Paul’s message to Pastor Timothy, asking him to remember Jesus Christ, who was raised from the dead, who was a descendant of King David. Not only remember him, but to pass on to anyone who has heard about Jesus the message that in Jesus Christ salvation is found. In Christ there is eternal life. And if our old lives die with him, then surely, we will have new life with him. And God is faithful through any and all of it. This is the good news that has just got to be shared. Handed down. From believer to believer. From believer to non-believers. From parent to child. From teacher to student. From generation to generation. That’s on us now.
Paul was impassioned about handing down this word. He kept at it diligently, through thick and thin. Even when he got whipped and beaten, he persisted in faith. Even when he got arrested and was in chains, he persisted in faith.
And Paul often used his situation to make a bigger point with a metaphor. Which was that even though he was in chains, the word of God was not. Even though the powers that be held him back and would try to silence him, the Word of God would not be silenced. Even though the authorities thought by restricting his movements and curtailing his freedoms, that the message of Jesus Christ would go away. But, the message of the gospel of Jesus Christ was and is unchained! And has blasting power. Power to break apart the chains people of the world make.
And boy o boy… do we make a bunch of chains! I mean I know some people in our church who are chained by the “If onlys.” You know, “If only I had been there, this tragedy wouldn’t have happened.” “If only I had acted a little sooner, my loved one wouldn’t have died.” If only we’d responded to that last voicemail or said the right thing or showed up at the right time.” If only this… if only that. Those are chains. They restrain us. And they play loudly in some people’s heads, sometimes for years.
On the flip side, our political society, our consumeristic culture, our social media platforms, even some churches constantly send toxic messages that chain people. If you’re a gun owner, then you're my enemy. And vice-versa. If you don’t share my political viewpoint, you’re ignorant and not worthy of listening to. Those are chains imposed on people in our world.
A friend of mine was talking with me the other day, and he told me that in a conversation his daughter was having with another person, that conversation started to get political. At which point my friend’s daughter said, “Don’t tell me your political point of view because I want to like you.” That’s an imposed chain.
We hear accusatory messages like “Your not good enough, or you don’t have enough money. Or, your body is too big. Your body’s too small. You’re not pretty enough, handsome enough, tall enough. You aren’t welcome because you don’t fit in with what we think is acceptable. You’re not forgivable because the Bible says this and the Bible says that.” These are all chains imposed upon people.
And I could go on and on. And you know what chains are on you. You know what old tapes play in your heads. And chances are, they are a pack of lies.
But, I’m here to preach the message, to spread the word, to anyone who is listening that God’s unchained word, God’s good news in the gospel of Jesus Christ means that there is freedom from the chains that we’ve made. The gospel of God’s love, and forgiving, amazing grace, when believed, even believed in with the smallest amount of faith, has the power to lift up those who are bone-weary of carrying around the baggage of false truths, dragging around the chains that keep us down.
Because the gospel truth is that you’re beautiful as you are. God loves you as you are. Yes, we’re not perfect. We make our mistakes. We impose chains on others and on ourselves. But, God doesn’t condemn us for it.
But God, I believe, does expect us to keep growing, and to grow authentically, and to let the power of God’s unchained word creatively speak new life into us. If we have faith, even a little bit, in the power of God’s unchained word, we will find that we’re always good enough to receive God and God’s love. We’re always lovable by God. We’re always worthy in God’s sight, no matter who you are. Because God is faithful in loving us. That’s God’s nature.
So, I think we need to reclaim this powerful and abiding truth. Not for just ourselves. But for others, too. For once we break free from the chains we have, we can see how God’s unchained word comes through our words for other people. Henri Nouwen once wrote, “What we say is very important. When we say, ‘I love you,’ and say it from the heart, we can give another person new life, new hope, new courage. When we say, ‘I hate you,’ we can destroy another person. Let’s watch our words” Unnecessary Chatter | Homiletics Online, retrieved September 30, 2022.
And I say, let’s listen to the word passed on to us. And let’s pass God’s truth on to others. Our grandkids, our kids, and ourselves—we are the latest generations of Christians to pass on the unchained gospel to others. God’s unchained word is to be shared to those who are chained up. So, it’s not so much about getting the gospel for one’s personal edification; it’s more about getting the gospel to others. It’s not so much about getting the gospel right; it’s more about getting the gospel lived. Let’s live God’s amazing grace. Because our chains are gone. We’ve been set free.
Amazing grace, how sweet the sound
That saved a wretch like me.
I once was lost, but now am found
Was blind but now I see.
My chains are gone, I’ve been set free.
My God my savior has rescued me.
And like a flood, God’s mercy reigns
Unending love, amazing grace.
Monday - Thursday: 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Closed for lunch from 12 noon - 1:00 p.m.