Matthew 3: 13-17
Rev. Dr. Galen E. Russell III
Preface to the Acts reading:
In this passage from Acts, it’s really helpful to know the bigger story. Just before what I’m about to read, a devout Roman centurion, a non-Jew (a Gentile, for you confirmation youth) named Cornelius had a vision with an angel telling him to send some of his soldiers to a small town called Joppa to find Peter and bring him back to Cornelius.
So, as the soldiers approached Joppa, Peter also had a vision. He was shown a large sheet coming down from above filled with animals against Jewish dietary laws. A voice told him to eat. Peter said he couldn’t because it was against his religion. But, the voice said it was OK for him to eat these non-kosher foods. This happened 3 times. He’s amazed by the vision, pondering what it meant.
Just then Cornelius’ soldiers show up, and the Spirit told Peter to go with the men. When they all arrive at Cornelius’ house, there were a bunch of people there. Cornelius then tells Peter about the vision he had and says basically, we now want to listen to you, Peter, to hear what God wants you to say. And Peter puts it all together in his head:
Acts 10: 34-43
“He commanded us to preach to the people and to testify that he is the one ordained by God as judge of the living and the dead.”
Peter had a lot to say right there! That ends our reading, but what happened next is part of the story, too. While Peter was speaking those words, the Holy Spirit poured out upon all of them who heard Peter’s words. And they started speaking in tongues, and they were extolling God. It was the Gentile equivalent of the Jewish Pentecost experience we read about in Acts 2. And Peter knew that God’s gift of Jesus Christ was for Jew and Gentile alike and ordered them all to be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ.
Prayer: O God, let your light shine in us and your love flow through us today! And ,may we speak of you and our faith in God. Amen.
We have a lot to say these days, don’t we? I mean with Facebook and Twitter, Instagram and Pinterest, and a bunch of other social media platforms, people are sharing information right and left. Some of it is profound, some of it not so much… like “I got out of the house and went for a walk today.” Or, “Topped off the day with a drink.” Really? I don’t mean to disparage any of you who post comments like that. I’m just more amused by it than anything.
Sometimes info sharing is good though, like when NFL player Damar Hamlin had a heart attack on the field and was taken to the hospital. Word got out about that instantly. And right away word got out about his $2,500 goal for his children’s toy fundraiser project on GoFundMe—which was quickly eclipsed and soared up past $3.5 million dollars! And rising. That’s crazy, isn’t it? I guess we do have a lot to say, and money talks.
In the UCC we like to say God is Still Speaking, and Wow! In today’s Bible readings, God has a lot to say! In our Responsive Opening Words, Isaiah’s words has some of what God has to say… like the message that God puts within us—it’s the spirit of justice and a call to righteousness. God calls us in covenant to participate in God’s mission—which means to be a light to EVERYONE, not just those whom we like, not just those in our networks or circles of friends, but to everyone. We help free those stuck in prisons of darkness. Because the light of God’s glory is given! That’s what Epiphany Sunday means– God’s light is showing forth.
We didn’t have this reading today, but we watched and sang of the non-Jewish magi coming from faraway nations to worship and offer gifts to a Jewish toddler proclaimed to be the king of the Jews. The Messiah. Christ, the Lord.
What’s God saying here? Again, nothing short of God’s love, presence, grace, and power being not just for the Jewish people, but for everyone! The believer and non-believer. The religious and non-religious. The faithful and unfaithful. The young and old, the dark and light, the queer and straight, the rich and poor. The Republican and the Democrat. Everyone!
What is God saying to us in the Baptism story of Jesus? Maybe that customary hierarchies don’t matter much to God? Because it’s odd that Jesus, who is greater than John, is asking John to baptize him. John wants to stick with accepted protocol. But, Jesus throws accepted protocol out the window and says no, you are to baptize me because this will fulfill all righteousness. Which is a way of saying that regardless of hierarchies, God has a passionate commitment to set right things that are wrong, to make just things that are unjust.
So, when Jesus gets baptized by John, Jesus was really joining John in the effort to manifest God’s righteousness for everyone in the world, encouraging everyone to repent and embrace God’s realm and God’s way of love. It was a new movement. It became political. And it was revolutionary because it affected personal lives AND unjust societal systems.
Lastly, in our passage from Acts, as I explained earlier, our reading is couched in between the Cornelius story and the Gentile Pentecost story. God has a lot to say here, too. In fact, this little portion of Acts is called the “Gospel in a nutshell.” First there’s the “God shows no partiality” message. Everyone’s included. Then there’s the message that anyone who has awe and respect, aka fear of God, and does what God considers as righteous pleases God.
And then, here comes the gospel message—that God’s message of peace was preached by Jesus Christ. And God anointed Jesus with power, and he went about doing good and healing people. His was a message of God’s inclusive saving grace and love.
However, the powers that be were threatened by Jesus and this revolutionary new movement he was engaged in. They felt it caused public uprisings, and they feared society’s stability would be upset. So, they arrested Jesus for causing a societal ruckus and found a way to put him to death. But, God raised him on the third day and Jesus appeared to several of his followers. And in those appearances, Jesus commanded them to proclaim and testify that Jesus is the one ordained by God as the Savior, the Messiah, the judge of the living and the dead. And, here’s the clincher… everyone who believes in Jesus as the Christ, the Messiah receives forgiveness of sins through his name.
All that is what God has to say. All those are the messages of faith to us. But, did you hear a little shift just a second ago? Not only are these the messages of faith God has to say, but Jesus commands us to proclaim those same messages to others. So, I guess we have a lot to say, too!
We have God’s message of inclusivity to proclaim. Everyone’s included in the wealth of God’s love. We have God’s message of welcome and acceptance.
We have God’s message of acting for justice where injustice exists. Ours is a message of good news—that in Jesus Christ everyone can know relief from guilt and sin. Each person can know God’s saving grace and the freedom that comes with experiencing God’s forgiveness.
We do have a lot to say! Now, I don’t expect you to go our and start preaching on the street corners, or anything. I’m called to be a preacher, using words and images, not on the street, but here in our sanctuary and other settings. But, we are all called to proclaim God’s messages, and I invite all of us do this. Through our actions. It was Saint Francis of Assisi I believe who told the younger monks under his tutelage to go up and down the streets of Assisi and preach the gospel at all times, and if necessary, use words.
And you know what? All that is part of what it means to be baptized Christians.
I mean as baptized Christians, we have a lot to say to our friends, family, people in our networks and circles, through our words, yes, but mostly through our actions.
So, here’s what I think baptism means for each of us. As we live out our faith through our actions. I wrote this acronym for us. Baptism...
Begins a lifetime journey of faith in God
Affirms that God’s saving grace and forgiveness revealed by Christ touches everyone
Perceives God’s Presence through water and word by the work of the Spirit
Tells the truth that all are ‘Beloved Children of God’
Invites repentance toward God’s way of love in the world
Spiritually connects us with all others as family members
Manifests God’s justice through us as we help God set right what is wrong.
Renew our baptism and hopefully that helps us understand more of what it means to be baptized Christians.
And here’s the last thing I invite you to take with you today… that as baptized Christians, we have a lot to say about God’s love and grace, about God’s call to justice and righteousness. And the way we say it is mostly through love. Repent from unloveliness and turn toward God’s way of Love. Let love influence everything you think, say, and do. Think loving thoughts. Say loving worlds. Do the loving thing. Be love. To God. Be love to each other. Be love to yourself. Beloved, be Love. Love is the greatest thing we can say. This is the greatest message from God we have. Say it always. Hear what you say. Speak our faith in action. Love at all times.
Let’s pray… O God of Love, God of grace, God of peace… Amen
Monday - Thursday: 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Closed for lunch from 12 noon - 1:00 p.m.