John 7: 37-39
Acts 2: 1-21
May 28, 2023
Rev. Dr. Galen E. Russell III
“… in our own languages we hear them speaking about God’s deeds of power.”
Prayer: Holy Spirit of fire and power, of word and wisdom, may we hear and understand your language and become obedient to your call. In Christ’s name we pray, Amen.
Two Sundays ago, we heard Jesus promise that he would ask God to send the Holy Spirit, to be with the disciples. Jesus promised that he would not leave them orphaned, without a spiritual guide after he was gone.
Well, Pentecost is the day when Jesus first made good on his promise. And something amazing and fantastical, mysterious and miraculous, if not mythological happened. The Holy Spirit came when the disciples and other international Jews living in Jerusalem gathered together in one place. The fire of the Spirit came on Jesus’ disciples and close followers, and they spoke in different languages. Each international listener understood the disciple’s words in their own language!
To get a feel for this, picture a meeting of the United Nations. We’ve all see an image like this one where ambassadors from almost every country on the planet get together to address concerns of the world. And most ambassadors wear a headset to hear a person translating what speaker is saying into their own language. For every speaker there is a translator which is a logistical nightmare, especially if there are multiple speakers!
Well, maybe Pentecost was like that, only without the translator or the headsets! Because the Spirit enabled the disciples of Jesus to speak in the language of each listener. So, that meant that when a disciple of Jesus stood up to speak, like Peter did, the Jewish person from Parthia, Medes and Mesopotamia heard Peter speaking in Greek. The Arab Jews heard it in Arabic. The Jews from Rome and the Asian Jews from what we know as Turkey, part of the Roman empire, probably heard Peter’s sermon in Latin. So all the words of the disciples were understood by the international Jews living in Jerusalem.
Now, there’s a difference between hearing and understanding, isn’t there? I mean I can hear Greek language all day long, but do I understand it? No. It’s Greek to me. So, both hearing and understanding are needed for all of us.
I was quite surprised two Sundays ago when our Chancel Choir sang Baba Yetu. Because I loved the music that I heard, but I couldn’t understand a word that they sang! Because they sang in an African language. But, right at the very beginning, I looked up at the screen to see if we had the translation on the screen. In fact, some of you remarked that it would have been good to have the words on the screen. But, I quickly realized that the words were to the Lord's Prayer! And all of a sudden I was understanding! And the music moved me deeply in my spirit. I had a Pentecost moment when Chancel Choir sang that anthem. I got all choked up and could barely get the Joys and Concerns out after they sang! Thank you again, Chancel Choir! And thank you Holy Spirit.
So maybe how those international Jews heard Peter and the apostle’s words was not as important was what they understood. What message they got.
And the message was a new language not of words. What they got was about God’s deeds of power in the life of Jesus Christ as prophesied by the ancient prophets and psalmists. If you read the rest of Peter’s sermon in chapter 2 of the book of Acts, he says that Jesus did good deeds of power, wonder, and signs in the world. He said the ancient prophets knew Christ would come. They spoke God’s language, but Jesus made it a reality.
And Jesus’ language pointed people and their hearts and their highest allegiance to God through him. “Let anyone who is thirsty come to me,” he said. “And let the one who believes in me drink.” That’s a new language. Drink of God’s water found in Jesus. Give your heart to God by receiving Jesus. Don’t give your heart to the law. Not to those in power. Not to King Herod. Not to the Roman Emperor. Not to politicians. Not to the Republican Party or the Democratic Party. Come to Jesus and give your heart to God.
And those in political power couldn’t handle the language Jesus spoke. And they had to get rid of him. And they tortured and crucified him and buried him. And normally, that would be the end. Death has such finality.
But there’s more! Peter tells of God’s deed of power when God raised Jesus from the grave. How he was alive again. How they were all witnesses to that.
And there’s even more after that. Peter says God exalted Jesus. And having received the promise of the Holy Spirit, the risen Christ poured out his Holy Spirit upon them. And he promised he would return. And he did—on Pentecost. The Holy Spirit of the risen Christ came and moved them.
It was like they got spiritual CPR, something not lost on me Saturday a week ago when I went through our CPR training. We were getting trained how to restart a heart if it stopped, and how to keep it going. How to use an AED machine. Well, on Pentecost, it was like the apostles and the Jewish crowd got a new spiritual heartbeat. The Spirit was like an AED machine! No matter what their lives looked like up to that moment, something stronger, deeper was awakened in them, moving among them, sweeping them up into God’s story. Helping them speak God’s new language.
And that’s the beautiful thing about the Christian faith. With God, there is always something more. Because God speaks a new language through the Spirit that comes to us. It’s a language not necessarily of words, but more of the heart. It’s also of mind and conscience, reflecting what God values. Imagining what God loves. Revealing God’s deeds of power. God speaks a new language in our circumstances.
I visited several of you in the past couple of weeks and listened to God’s deeds of power in your lives. One of our members at home said that she is convinced that God’s deed of power was at work by creating pathways along the way for her to follow. But it was up to her to turn to God, make a choice, and have faith that God was at work in her decisions. It’s been happening that way all her life, right up to the point where she is today. And she looks back on her life and says, “Thank you, God for being with me through all the changing experiences of life, as decisions were made to follow your pathways.”
Another one of our members at home shared with me that she worships every Sunday online with a small group of 28 people or so. They celebrate Holy Communion every Sunday by receiving Jesus. Each one holds the bread and the cup and remembering Christ. And it’s beautiful. And meaningful. And it feeds her inner spirit. She said she feels the Holy Spirit binding them together even though it’s an online worship setting. You see? God is speaking a new language that invites the Spirit to bind us together in any of our of circumstances.
So Pentecost reminds us that God is speaking a new language that is mostly translated in the heart when we receive Jesus. And, new possibilities can emerge out of life’s most challenging limitations. So, come, Holy Spirit! Come! Let us hear and understand your new language. Amen.
Monday - Thursday: 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Closed for lunch from 12 noon - 1:00 p.m.