1 Samuel 3:1-10, 15-17
John 1:43-51
January 14, 2024
Rev. Fa Lane
I love thinking of Psalm 139 through the lens of the Runaway Bunny. As Psalm 139 tells us, we can’t hide from or outrun God. We see that in the tenacity of the bunny’s mother.
Eli who had a long relationship with the Lord, knew he couldn’t escape God’s watchful eye when he scolded Samuel to tell him what God had told the boy. Eli was ready to hear the Word of the Lord even if it was bad news. The Runaway Bunny learned he couldn’t get away from the one who loved him, who kept him safe and nurtured him. She would always find him, and slip right into the situation, to be with him. Like God becoming human in Jesus Christ to know what it’s like and and to be with us. Such knowledge is too great, the psalmist says, ”I can’t fully grasp it.”
Have we noticed the times that God is with us? is challenging us or comforting us, or urging us to hear a calling?
Like the folks who went to Cradles to Crayons yesterday. Or the folks who help with the First Reformed Church dinner in Lancaster, or the people who help with the emergency homeless shelter, the next street up.
Which character are you likely to be: the one who may be inexperienced but eager? Or the person that says go back to bed?
I like to do character studies every once in a while for Bible study, to see what is similar or familiar between Bible people and every day people today.
I tried to sketch together a profile on Samuel and Eli. Two males at opposites end of life. Both living in the Temple, dedicated to God’s service. One teacher and mentor; one without knowledge of God. One who braves hearing the hard truth; the other who must speak it. One who is in the priestly family lineage, ordained by God. One who will need to hear God’s voice or calling for himself.
Do you identify with any of those descriptors? What about Hannah, Elkanah or the scoundrel sons of Eli? What do they teach us? What is God saying to us through them? Some people that this idea that God calls someone only into ordained ministry and a pastor’s role. But, God can call you to service from you accounting desk to help kids with their math homework or to coach a soccer team. God might draw your heart and hands toward advocating for earth and environmental care. Sometimes God taps an unlikely soul, someone you wouldn’t expect for a particular area of need. God looks into our hearts and sometimes calls us into surprising ministries.
If we look at Eli and Samuel in the ancient world, this is during a time called the Deuteronomic History, when the tribes of Israel were living in the promised land, early 1400 BC. Joshua had secured the land of Canaan for their settlement. God ordained priests from the family of Levi to oversee worship and the honorable giving of erings. The selection of Samuel, who was not a Levi, but an Ephraimite, introduces a transition from the hereditary succession of priests to an appointment of an individual who hears God’s call for themselves and accepts that authority. Consider this is a precursor to what we will see in the birth of Jesus. A child called into a new priestly lineage.
We learn in Samuel Chapter 1& 2 that Eli, a priest in Shiloh, was very old. He had two sons who were also priests but corrupt ones. He tried to correct them, but they wouldn’t listen to him. So, you might say old man Eli was a disrespected dad, even if he was the priest.
Everyone knew about Eli’s boys and what greedy bullies they were. Eli had received a warning shot from “A man of God” that God was displeased with Eli’s behavior and his sons disregard for what was holy. God was going to cut him and his whole family from the promise made to his ancestors. His family members would die by the sword, except for one who would be spared to weep and grieve. In this revelation from the man of God, it was foretold that a new priest would be raised up who would do according to what was in God’s heart and mind.
For poor Eli, things just got worse and worse and YET he was charged with being the priest for the community. No matter who he was, a bedraggled dad, or where he was on his life’s journey, a man of many years, God had called him, his family, to go up to the Lord’s altar to er sacrifices in the proper way on behalf of the people.
Then we hear about Samuel who had been dedicated to the Lord’s service by his mother Hannah.
She had been barren and was taunted by her rival, her husband’s other wife who had several children. Yearly as Hannah went up to the house of the Lord to worship, she prayed for God’s favor, to be given a child. She grew deeply distressed and wept bitterly as she prayed. Eli saw her and thought she was drunk because he saw her lips moving but he couldn’t hear her prayer. Prayers were not usually silent. But she explained that she was speaking out of her great anxiety pouring out her soul to the Lord.
I invite you to try this exercise of a character study in your Bible reading. Have you ever known seasons in your life where you can identify with Eli or with Hannah? Have you had periods in your life where you just get pounded with disappointments or grief, insurmountable emotional hurdles or the temptation to self-medicate or steal or lie? Have you been that parent or grandparent who just doesn’t know how to make things right in your family? Have you been the one who felt abandoned, unseen, and uncared for? Do you think God can’t use the pain and longing in your own life for ministry? God can call us to come beyond those challenges and grief to help someone else.
What can we imagine about Philip and Nathanael? What clues are in the script? Philip is all excited about Jesus the fulfillment of the prophets! Nathanael says of Jesus, ‘can anything good come out of Nazareth? “Here I Am” – “Go Back to Bed” Are you a Samuel or an Eli character?
The turn in the story with Nathanel comes when Jesus says to him “I know you.” You are a man with no deceit. Can you allow the possibility that Jesus knows us and speaks into our hearts: “I know the gifts and graces you have to do ministry here.”
He asks will you “Follow Me”? Is that hopeful to you that the Son of God searches for you? That Jesus says ‘look up from the darkness that you’re walking around in.’ The light, the great epiphany light has come.
God has an intimate way of knowing our hearts. Beneath our disbelief that God pays any attention to us. God pursues us and woos us into a relationship of trust and care.
These relationships form as you grow in faith through church Bible study groups, book discussions and prayer groups. This is why being part of a church is important, it’s where these trusting relationships give you the chance to test your ideas and step out of your comfort zone. To try different things and develop a strong trust of God’s care. Faith is developed within the church body and extended beyond our little group to others in the world through our outreach, our prayers, our donations, advocacy and missions.
If you’re a Samuel you’re being nurtured and mentored in faith. Scripture says Samuel didn’t know the word of the Lord… in other words God hadn’t spoken to him directly… yet. His role as a prophet had not YET been established.
If you an Eli, you’re saying Go back to bed, Eli knew Samuel was young. He was inexperienced. But Eli was faithful and paid attention. Eventually he realized that God was calling Samuel. He had to trust what God was doing, even if it different that what he was used to.
If you’re running away, like the psalmist or the Runaway Bunny, can you see where God keeps showing up in your life, no matter where you go? The bunny’s mom watches over him like Hannah watched over Samuel, even as she promised him to the Lord. She “lent” him; as a Nazarite to serve for a set period of time. Even as she let her son go, Hannah would visit the Temple each year with a robe she’d made for her growing son.
As much as this pericope is usually about Samuel’s calling and Eli’s role as mentor, maybe there are other characters here that we identify with. Are you an Eli or a Samuel, or Hannah? Or maybe you’re like Nathanael and can’t believe God is aware of you.
I believe that God calls us from our varied places in life. God seeks us when our life is in an uproar, when we’re challenged with school work, when we’re raising families. God called me from my cancer bed. No matter who you are or where you are on life’s journey, hear this. God loves you, died for you, rose for you, and calls you. Amen.
Monday - Thursday: 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Closed for lunch from 12 noon - 1:00 p.m.