Jonah 3: 1-5, 10
Mark 1: 14-20
January 21, 2024
Rev. Dr. Galen E. Russell III
Now after John was arrested, Jesus came to Galilee, proclaiming the good news of God, and saying “The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God has come near; repent and believe in the good news.”
Prayer: Open our hearts and our minds, O God, to hear your voice speaking of timeless and time-filled words. Amen.
My family and I finally got a chance to see Oppenheimer last week. And if you can handle a three-hour movie with lots of jumping around in time, you’ll be fine. I liked it because of the historical aspect, but mostly I guess because of the social and environmental concerns that Dr. J. Robert Oppenheimer wrestled with. Even though he researched the power of the atom and was appointed to lead the top-secret Manhattan Project which developed the world’s first atomic bomb, a bomb which would end World War II, he warned people about unleashing the power of the atom. He spoke about its dangers, and worse, about what horror that could happen if other countries were to develop an A-Bomb or a dreaded, super H-bomb. The whole planet would be endangered if nuclear bombs were used when war broke out.
His voice at the time was a voice that the whole world needed to hear. His prophetic words of warning intersected with the historical context of his day. And I, for one, am glad he sounded the alarm. Because the world needed to listen Oppenheimer’s voice back then, and it still needs to listen to it today. God forbid if the war in the Ukraine or in Gaza, or in Yemen ever escalates into using nuclear weapons. Our planet would be in big trouble. And so would we.
So, maybe Oppenheimer’s prophetic warning was not in vain? Maybe people of our day are listening—even if the fingers of some world leaders are close to the trigger. Maybe our need to survive and have a good world for our descendants is powerful incentive? Maybe the spiritual language that “the earth is the Lord’s and everything in it” (Psalm 24: 1) and the sacred truth that God loves its people has taken hold? I sure hope so.
I’ve been thinking about those ideas this past week. Because spiritual language and sacred truth are what prophets bring to our inner consciousness, even if their words speak of destruction. Jonah’s words spoke of destruction to Ninevah, this non-Jewish city, the capitol of Assyria, a dreaded, feared, and despised enemy of Israel and Judah. And Jonah, this Jewish man had to go into the stronghold of the enemy and preach the word of the Lord. Sounds terrifying!
And, Jonah’s words were enough. The people of Ninevah listened to his voice. They willfully repented and changed. And God didn’t do the disaster that was planned.
Do you hear some sacred truths that pop out right there? Of course, there’s the truth that God can change the original plans at anytime, choosing to align with grace and forgiveness. I’m glad for that! I need that truth. Because it’s harder for me to hold onto resentment, or grudges, or my stubbornness when I know that God doesn’t do that. I can choose to align with grace and forgiveness, following God’s example.
How about the truth that God has tender mercy far beyond Israel to all the people of the earth? That God loves even the archenemy, the pagan people of Assyria! Wow! That’s a truth that Jewish people of our world would live and practice.
Also, the truth that with God, there still is time. I love that truth. Jonah yelled “Forty days more, and Ninevah shall be overthrown!” Maybe that made them scared.
Or maybe they got energized. Maybe they were like, “We’ve got time—40 days—a grace period to get our act together!” Maybe they heard words of doom and gloom and time was short, but maybe God flipped over the hour glass. Because the truth is that God always provides time and space for spiritual second chances. For people to get it right. That had to be a piece of good news, I think. So, the world of Jonah’s day needed to hear his prophetic voice speaking these truths of God.
John the Baptist preached about repentance, turning from non-God stuff in life to believing in the good news that the realm of God has come near. And when he was arrested, Jesus picked up where John left off. Both their voices spoke about repentance and belief in the good news that God has tender mercy for anyone who desires to know God. To know grace. To know holy love. That the kingdom has come near.
And with God, there still is time. Time for renewal. Time to willfully get their act together. God gives spiritual second chances. The world of John and Jesus’ day needed to hear their voices speaking those sacred truths about God.
So when Jesus called Peter, Andrew, James and John as his disciples, and when he called the rest of them, too, it was so that they could learn the truths of God. It was so that they can understand the good news that God’s kindom has come near. Because they would eventually make the transition from being disciples to being apostles. Men and women who moved from being learners of sacred truths to being sent forth sharing those sacred truths picking up where Jesus left off. The world they lived in needed to hear the voices of the disciples turned apostles, sharing the spiritual language and sacred truths of God that span over all time.
Are you sensing a progressive movement here? So where does that leave us?
The world needed Jonah’s voice during his moment in history. The world needed John’s voice and Jesus’ voice during their moment in history. The world needed the disciples turned apostles voices during their moment of history. And over the past umpteen generations, the world still needs to hear a voice that speaks a spiritual language. A voice that reveals sacred truths to our inner consciousness.
You got it. The world really needs our voice. In our time. In this, our moment in history. Now more than ever. Sharing sacred truth.
And not just for us, the people of our day, but for people in the world of the future. Our descendants. Our children are depending on us. And their children. We have to think of them. I wonder what our children of the future will thank us for.
Because I think humanity has to aspire to build a good world with these timeless sacred truths for today and for future generations. It’s not all about us. I think our voice has to reclaim the spiritual language saying God’s saving grace and mercy for everyone who wants it has not stopped. And that can bring about a good world for us and our kids.
So I wonder if we can leave behind the old nets of untruthful voices. And there’s a cacophony of those voices from the world. Like the voice that says God’s grace is earned. That somehow you have to measure up to be loved by God. You have to fix yourself or get fixed in order for you to be worthy of God’s love. Or, if you pray hard enough, God will fix you. Yeah, leave that one behind. Because the world needs to hear our voice speaking the spiritual language of God’s love and grace that are unearned and abundant. Because God’s real voice says, “I love you with an everlasting love” (Jeremiah 31: 3). And, “I will never forsake you” (see Deuteronomy 31: 6-8). And those truths are revealed by Jesus throughout his ministry. Those are sacred, timeless truths of God kindom. Our kids will thank us for teaching them that.
Leave behind the voice that says God’s love is only for those who have said the “right” words, done the right things, gone to the right church, are part of the right religion. You can leave that one behind, too. Because God’s voice always calls for expanding our ethical consideration of who God loves. Our understandings are always too limited.
Other voices from the world, like the voice of the almighty dollar, or the voices of terror, violence, and ruthless power, or the voices of political candidates, caucuses and primaries, or the voices of those who would deny the same rights to people of different race, religion, sex and sexuality that they want for themselves, or the voices of those who call us a demonic church because we believe in God’s all-inclusive, all-encompassing grace (yeah, that really happened), I wonder if maybe we are quiet and tilt our heads a certain direction, if we can again hear the word of the Lord—whose voice can drown out all those voices, if we let it, and cause us to willfully speak the timeless sacred truths of God to others.
Because with God there is always time. Because God’s voice speaks of spiritual second chances for everyone. Because God’s grace and forgiveness has no boundaries. This is the way I think the kindom of God comes near. And these God’s truths, by the power of the spirit, get embedded in our consciousness. These always intersect with the challenges of the day, in the moment in history.
Let us our voice be the one the world needs to hear—a voice of love, grace, forgiveness, inclusion, justice, and even warning, if necessary. For a better world, for us and our kids. Amen.
Monday - Thursday: 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Closed for lunch from 12 noon - 1:00 p.m.