Romans 4: 13-25
Mark 8: 31-38
February 25, 2024
Rev. Dr. Galen E. Russell III
“If any want to become my followers, let them deny themselves and take up their cross and follow me.”
Prayer: May we ever keep learning, O God. May we ever keep growing. May we ever keep following you. In Christ we pray, Amen.
Quick question… how many of you are cross-carrying Christians? How many of you have a cross with you right now? [show of hands] Are you wearing one around your neck? Maybe it’s on your earrings? Or a broach? Or a pin? Do you have one in your pocket? Do you remember those little cross in your pocket? Or in your purse or wallet? It was made out of metal. Any pictures of a cross hanging on your walls at home? I have cross wood carvings in my office.
I think you know that I wear a cross around my neck. It means a lot to me. Once, I even wrote a song about it. It’s a sterling silver cross given to me when I was 15 years old by my paternal grandmother. She told me that my grandfather, Galen Russell Sr. (who also was a pastor) used to wear this cross whenever he put on his robe for worship. So, it’s a cherished piece of jewelry that I have. I wear it all the time.
One summer, in between college and seminary, I was a camp director in Illinois. And one day my cross went missing. I was distraught. I organized all the kids and counselors, side by side, to sweep the grassy field where I thought I might have lost it. To no avail. But evidently, my misery and my efforts to find it convinced the kid that STOLE it to come forward and return it to me. I’ve worn it ever since.
So, I guess I can say I’m a cross-carrying Christian. And evidently, some of you are, too.
So, I was thinking this week and asking myself, what does cross-carrying Christian really mean? I mean Jesus said to deny ourself and take up our cross and follow him. But, I get the impression that people have romanticized those words. That somehow, following Jesus and having his saving grace are sweet things, the winning things, and are only available for the privileged few who have been saved by Jesus. That somehow, we should be spared any kind of struggle! God forbid that something bad happens!
Or how about, if we have a cross to bear, we have to bear it with a smile. That if you have to, you fake it until you make it. That you deny yourself and passively endure difficulty or mistreatment or injustice or illness because as Christians, you know, you’re supposed to be kind, and loving and forgiving and accepting! So we put up with all kinds of stuff. All that, my dear loved ones, is a bunch of malarky and not what I think Jesus means here.
Because wearing a cross was not a thing in Jesus’ day. It was not sweet or nice or anything like that. In Jesus’ day, the cross was the form of the death penalty instituted by the political power. Which was Rome. Carried out by orders of the Emperor on anyone who threatened Rome’s power. Or resisted the status quo of Rome’s oppressive taxation where the rich get richer and the poor get poorer. Or were zealous to fight against the injustice done against the enslaved people Rome conquered. Or, on anyone who challenged the Pax Romana—the peace of Rome. The cross was the way to silence the opposition, to put to death any thing or any one or any uprising. The cross was meant to keep people in line. Or else, be made an example. Do I hear Jesus of Nazareth? Hello.
So, I think when Jesus teaches the disciples to deny themselves and take up their cross, he meant that to follow him, they will have deny their instinct to avoid conflict and struggle and face the cross the Emperor uses as a weapon to kill people who oppose him. To silence political insurgents and hostile critics. Can you say Alexei Navalny?
Jesus was trying to tell his disciples that following him meant they will be found resisting the empire. They will end up pushing back against Caesar’s claim to be God. They will be up against the great inequalities and disparities between the Jews and the Romans. Because following Jesus meant not following anything that is NOT grounded in God.
So, I heard Jesus’ words much differently than I’ve ever heard them before. I heard that if we want to become a follower of Jesus, perhaps we will need to deny our desire for the easy way of faith, the sweet, romanticized, winning faith that’s exclusively for the privileged few.
I heard we may have to deny our natural tendency to want entitlement and to protect our privileged friends saying, “God forbid! Bad things should never happen to you!” Do I hear our politicians with legal troubles scattered throughout our governments?
Following Jesus I think means denying anything that feeds us empty lies . Like what I’ve said before about the lies we hear that say you have to be a certain body type and weight in order to be appealing to others or successful in the world. Can you say shaming and bullying on social media?
Or denying anything that feeds us false promises. Do I hear scamming the elderly and vulnerable? I was talking with one of our members at home, and she said she was getting calls from a guy who wanted her to go to Walmart to buy $200 worth of gift cards. I told her it’s a scam. Happens all the time.
And perhaps by following Jesus, we will find ourselves taking up our crosses, facing and challenging the things in our lives that try to inflict death on us or others. Or try have power over us.
What tries to have power over you that feels inescapable? What tries to inflict death on you or others? Some say that anxiety is a biggie. Anxiety about the future.
I remember in the 80’s, the seminary culture I lived in was fearful of nuclear war. People were protesting at Lawrence Livermore Labs regularly. Now people have the same anxious feeling about the wars in Gaza and Ukraine and Yemen and on the Red Sea—that these are leading to WWIII. It’s anxiety about war because war inflicts death.
Some said they are fearful that AI (artificial intelligence) will some day take over the world and have power over us. And will lead to the death of jobs held by human beings. Which will lead to economic despair.
And some said that alcohol and drugs, even potato chips and ice cream have power over them. Which I think is probably fair.
I heard in Jesus’ words that following him means we can take up and face and carry the crosses that have power over us, and deny them of that power. Because these are not God-centered. When we center ourselves in Christ, we take up and carry these crosses. We hold firm against them. And, we give them to God. Which I think means we can ask for God’s help in resisting the power these crosses have and the fear they can generate.
And God promises new life as we center in Christ. And the covenant with God made by faith becomes real in our awareness. And those who might lose their life because they were centered and grounded in God while resisting the crosses that deny life, will find life.
So I guess that is what I really heard in today’s passage. That we can find life in Christ. That we can trust in God’s resurrection power. That what Jesus said is true—that those who want to save their life by believing in the false promises and lies of the world will indeed lose their life. There’s no life or meaning there.
But those focused on God who might lose their life because they trusted in God when they carried their cross and resisted the empire, they will find life. Or those who spoke out against the false lies of the world, and lifted up the gospel’s good news of life in Christ—these will find God’s divine presence. This is God’s new covenant made with us. This is God’s resurrection power at work.
So yeah, of course, wearing a cross around our necks, or displaying it, or having a cross smeared on our foreheads or our hands on Ash Wednesday etc., these are supposed to send messages to others and ourselves that we believe Jesus is the Christ, yes? That he was God’s Son. Our Savior.
That’s why we call ourselves Christians. We’re self-deniers, cross-carrying followers of Christ Jesus. Energized to resist that which takes life from us. And not lost ever again. Only found in Christ. In whom we have life. Amen.
Monday - Thursday: 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Closed for lunch from 12 noon - 1:00 p.m.